I once got involved in a turf war between Alliance and Horde China farmers and ended up getting paid to run protection.

Back in original Vanilla WoW I played an undead rogue and world PvP was my jam. One day I was chilling in Searing Gorge and I came across some Night Elf punk killing one of my Horde brethren. Naturally, I murdered the crap out of him. Then, when the Horde player rezzed, we murdered the crap out of him again.At this point the other Horde player starts messaging me in somewhat broken English, and he is MAD. Apparently, he was a chinese gold farmer, as was the Night Elf, and the Night Elf was trying to push him out of a prime farming spot (the elementals in Northwest Searing Gorge, if you remember). Now to this guy, the Night Elf is basically taking food out of his family's mouth by screwing up his job, so we killed this guy a LOT of times. Then, the guy adds me on friends list and gives me some gold.After that, from time to time he would message me for some help, and since as I said I loved world PvP I would come around if I could and help him out and he would hook me up with stuff. Eventually, I met a couple other people he worked with (I assume, communication was always a little dodgy due to language issues) and became something of an on call specialist for gold farmers being camped. I killed both normal alliance and, at times, what I think were rival gold farmers. I would of course, camp them into oblivion to make sure they understood these were no go zones for them. The Horde farmers would happily compensate me, although if they found me some really good PvP I would sometimes not take their money.Eventually I started playing on a different server and lost track of them, but I will always think back fondly to my days running a gold farmer protection racket.