In Memory of an Amazing Person

So I just need to post this, I don't care if anyone reads this but I need to say it.I met the most amazing person back in Mists of Panderia, we hit it off almost instantly she was in a friends guild I raided with on the side. The first time we met they were raiding SOO she made fun of the transmog on my DK, to be fair I had just gotten new pants and hadn't had time to do anything about it. But from that moment on we clicked, it started as a friendship then as such things do evolved into something more, we moved in together 3 great years ago. While we had our ups and downs like any couple, the good times so far outweigh the bad times though to the point the bad aren't even worth mentioning. We eagerly awaited the launch of Legion, both taking a week of vacation and again for BFA. We quested together, raided together (she was one of our raid healers she played a druid, a shaman and a monk, mostly the monk lately) and generally just goofed off together in game and out. For three great years we played all sorts of games not just wow, and not just gaming we shared so many of the same interests it was like finding my other half. I knew she was the one I could spend the rest of my life with without any second thoughts in my mind.Just like the snap of a finger that all changed, we had been texting while we were both at work, she wanted me to constantly take pictures of our new kitten while I worked from home. Just after 5pm she walked through the door like she does every night, "hey whats up, how was your day, whats for dinner?" the usual barrage of questions. She starts unpacking the groceries and I hear a thump, I ask a little worriedly if she was ok and all I got back was a weak no. I ran into the kitchen she was on the ground unresponsive, I called 911 in a panic the fire fighters and EMTs rushed to our place she was fading fast. They began CPR within 5 minutes of arriving as she had lost all color, was barely able to breathe and her pulse went from weak to non existent. They were able to get her just stable enough to risk driving to the hospital where they continued to try and bring her back for 2 more hours, but it wasn't meant to be. I suddenly found myself in a room with a body that looked like my lovely, vibrant, amazing girlfriend, my soulmate. She was gone, in 2 hours we went from talking about dinner and world quests to me saying goodbye and having to call her parents.She was 34, we are still waiting the final results but the doctor said it was very likely a pulmonary embolism, a blood clot that got stuck in her lung. She moves all day at work and we used to hit the gym 2-3 times a week, we weren't in amazing shape but we were healthy. So take some time, tell your loved ones how much you care even if you are sure they know just say it, thank them for being amazing and a part of your life and dont ever take a day for granted cause everything can change without warning.TLDR: Tell the important people in your life how much they mean to you.Edit: Thanks for all the kind words everyone, I just needed to vent and we met in wow and loved it so much I didnt know where else to put it.Edit2: Again, thank you so much for the kind words, my family lives relatively close so I havent had an empty house since, I am dreading the day everyone else has to move back on with their lives and I am left alone with all our memories but I have a great support network.