The Auction House Changes Make Selling Rare Old Materials Pointless.

TL;DR Some, hard to farm and slow to sell, crafting materials are now unprofitable to sell via the AH. The listing costs multiplied by the average time to sell overtakes the value of the item very quickly, even when the sale price is pushed far above what it's worth.Today I went farming Cobra Scales (Used for a couple of Burning Crusade crafted transmogs).They're a pain in the neck to farm, a low drop rate from highly dispersed enemies with a long spawn time. But the bright side is most recipes only need a couple.So I figured "since I'm here, and I've got time, I'll grind out a few more".So I farmed up half a dozen and flew back to sell them, which is a meaningful sale; the median price for Cobra Scales across all US realms is over 4k, with the mean price being over 20k.The problem is, with the Auction House changes, placing them at such values costs the seller so much gold that it's just not worth it.To sell them at 5k gold each costs 2k gold per listing. That's 2/5ths of the purchase price BEFORE the AH cut, meaning it's nearly half your payout.They're a hard to sell item, often taking 3-5 days to sell at a minimum, because they're only used for a small number of transmog items.So more often than not, it'll cost me more gold to sell them than I'd make with the purchase, unless I charge the exorbitant "20k" US mean and make use of the 2k maximum listing cost, which in turn is likely to take the sale time from 3-5 days to more than a week, at which point we're back to costs outscaling the sale price again.I know the changes to the AH were designed to stop people selling single stacks of common crafting materials in legion and BFA, but It's indirectly and significantly hampered the sale of old and rare crafting materials, for which single stacks are often the easiest way to buy and sell them.Either exceptions need to be made, or the system needs more tweaking to avoid this kind of issue.