Why I - and likely many others, aren't bothering with World Quests

World Quests were a big hit in Legion, they promised an extension of the Daily System, and for the most part - succeeded in Legion. I was personally doing WQs far along into the expansion despite being done with Raiding, the AP grind and so on.Why did I continue to do these for so long? Why did I work on bothering with this content - And why aren't I doing it now, only 3 months into BfA, where the quests are still relatively fresh? Quite simple; The rewards are utter crap.In Legion, there was a bigger variance of rewards, not only did we see the usual AP/Resources/Gear, but we also saw decent chunks of gold (400+ on some rare WQs), Crafting Materials, such as Blood of Sargeras, Bacon, and Honor Points and Marks of Honor, a good, reliable amount too, which felt fair to grind up.The emissaries were also rewarding, giving you Wakening Essences toward the end of the expansion, and legendaries, Curious Coins for a Turtle Mount and other profession items, materials, gold, resources and so on.Legion's World Quests were also made better by the use of WQGF addon, which was disabled, and its functionality destroyed to the limited shoestring we have today, which is nowhere near as good - not to mention, for many of the quests, they have purposefully decreased the % you obtain per kill/clicky etc. This makes some quests feel like a dull, boring chore. Their reasoning was backwards too. Because a few people, who you could kick, were sometimes doing nothing, people working together in an MMO had to be put to a stop.BfA has no Expulsom World Quests, this makes the resource painfully boring to get - as you only obtain it by scrapping and a single transmute, which is available for one profession. The scrapper is another topic - TL;DR, I hate babysitting it.The gold rewards per World Quest is also PITIFUL! 125G for a rare elite world quests? Legion's equivalent gave 4x that! 88g for a standard WQ? Legion's equivalent gave 2x that. (Note, if you look at Legions right now, they were purposefully nerfed in 8.0 - and hotfixed again during BfA to make them worse, because people realised they were better than BfA's WQs!)I also miss the fact that I could have a follower out with me, that I worked on getting them the gear that matched my goals - I kitted mine out with 3 Gold Pouches, 2 of which lined with bonuses which gave me some AP and another with Order Resources. This sole reason kept me doing WQs further into the expansion, because I could go out, put on some music, and casually farm some gold. It felt rewarding, it felt good, it felt like there was something to do - and felt so much less of a chore than it does now.TL;DR - The rewards were better in Legion.