WoW is changing, and I think its partly because of people like me.

Hello r/wow, long time lurker, first time poster, so please be gentle.The current state of our beloved game has been under much discussion since BFA, and reading all of these discussions have got me thinking about the way WoW is changing, and why.I started playing 14 years ago, when I was 13 years old. I went through vanilla, TBC and WOTLK during times in my life where I had huge amounts of time to play. I would raid until 23.00 and get up at 6 , without much trouble. This continued when I went to college, the time needed to play WoW during the early expansions where never a problem.Then I finished college and got a full time job, I met my wife and bought a apartment. The last few years have ment that the time I have to play WoW has decreased alot compared to earlier years. This is a natural change, I simply prioritize different things as I grew older.If the state of the game were where it was in vanilla, TBC or even WOTLK, I would feel I kept getting behind due to this lack of time, like I was always playing catch up. In BFA on the other hand Ive cleared 7/8 HC with my guild who runs with about 50% pugs, and feel pretty well geared. I have had plenty of time to get my reps up to revered and I never feel pressured to log in to play.I feel like alot of the changes that makes players who play alot feel bad, makes my enjoyment of the game increase, and I think blizzard can see this in their metric analysis. Alot of us who grew up with WoW are in a place today where we don't have the time to commit as much as we did, but we still want to play.Does anyone else feel the same? Is there a point in that Blizzard might be targeting "my" demographic? For the game id say it means that the hardcore demographic will be pushed out to games that reward time spent more..Tl;dr : WoW has changed to demand less time from players, probably due to People having less time to devote to the game.