ALL dallies on Nazjatar as of 8.3 should reward follower EXP, and on a related note... why are so many of the essences such a royal pain to unlock?

The grind to get each follower to level 30 for a rank 4 essence is too extreme for players / characters that are just starting that grind now.300 EXP per day = 3 MONTHS to get each follower to level 30. (Assuming each level stays at 300 EXP and the player can be online every. single. day.)-----------------------------------With the new expansion coming sooner than later I just want getting the essences and upgrading them to be reasonable._________________EDITI need to clarify that when this was written I was not aware that rank 4 is only cosmetic (I'm a noob when it comes to WoW forgive me for that).The takeaway from this topic was always meant to be I feel that acquiring all the essences is painful... and upgrading them to their max potential even worse than that. If BFA was going to be all we had for the next year I wouldn't mind so much, but we are at the end of the expansion and soon (I hope) all of this won't matter at all. Unfortunately right now essences still do matter, and I was only ever trying to express my wish for them to be more accessible given the fact Shadowlands is so near.