If you need Warsong Gulch reputation, the brawl in the coming reset is the best time to grind it out.

If you want Warsong Gulch reputation because you’re working towards 100 exalted reputations or whatever, the Warsong Scramble Brawl in the reset beginning this week is the best possible time to get it.You get 100 reputation for every flag your group captures, and the gimmick in this Brawl is that you need to capture 10 flags to win and there are 3 times as many flags. You also don’t need your own flag uncontested in your base in order to capture the enemy flag, so if you’re on a fast class, you can get these really fast.You need 420 flag captures from neutral to exalted and if you’re good you can get 6 captures or more on your team per match, even if you lose. So that’s around 60-70 matches in total. A match will at most last 15 minutes due to the timer, but chances are it’ll be done much sooner.This brawl only is available once every 18 weeks or so. The next time won’t be until the reset of September 30th.