Choosing a Covenant isn't fun, its just stressful.

When I choose a covenant on a character, I don't think "hell yeah I'm a Necrolord now". I think "I hope I don't decide to play a different spec later".When I deposit anima into the sanctum I think, "I hope I'm not wasting this if I decide to change later".When I level a follower to 60 on the mission table I think "man it would suck to have to start from scratch on this".And I can only imagine crafting one of the new covenant legendaries with soul cinders and thinking, "I hope I'm not wasting 4 weeks of grinding on this".--I've come to the realization that there is very little that is fun about the covenant system. The *best* case scenario is being completely and utterly content with experiencing 25% of the development that went towards your class this expansion. Who thought this would be fun?I'm reminded of that interview where Ion said something to the effect of, "we want people to say, I'm not a warlock, I'm a *[insert covenant]* warlock". Hasn't this ideal completely failed? If someone says "I'm a warlock", they are essentially saying that they're night fae. If someone says they're a ret paladin -- they're kyrian. If someone is an elemental shaman -- they're necrolord. When will they admit that this core tenet of what they were striving for simply didn't pan out?It's such a bummer that the foundation of this expansion is inherently un-fun. I really wish I could mess around with the other covenant abilities, even if only for an hour or two.