Is it just me or does the impractical design of Maiev's shoulders and cloak keep you up at night.

Honestly, how does she do ANYTHING in that birdcage-looking cloak. Like she has to push it out from in front of her to do ANYTHING, hell her in-game model clips through it 90% of the time when she does anything but stand still. Not to mention the amount of times she's probably stepped on her cloak.On top of that, she can't possibly move her shoulders higher than a 45 degree angle from her body without them stabbing her face with those unnecessary crescent blades (WHAT are you protecting?) or needlessly getting caught on other parts of her armor (e.g. eyebrow armor)Girl no wonder it took you so long to catch Illidan, he's wears outfits that maximize his movement while you're contained to some cylinder-shape that the WC3 devs decided would be easy to render.