Please, stop complaining about PUGs.

Every single day, this subreddit is full of comments from people complaining about the state of pugs in Legion. I’m sorry, but you’re all wrong for complaining about the people creating these pugs. This is not an attitude problem in the leaders, this is a Legion system problem.Some people say that the “930+ AotC only” requirements for normal is idiotic, but that’s wrong. If you aren’t getting invited to these groups, it’s because they’re either full or not meant for you. And while they often state achievements as a requirement, they usually instantly invite the good geared sign-ups anyway.The people creating and running groups with a high ilvl requirement are doing it because they want to run through the content as fast as possible, with as few issues as possible. Ask yourself why they are doing this? They don’t need the gear - all they need is the AP and chances at legendaries and titanforged gear. Take away these Legion systems and we wouldn’t have this problem. These high ilvl players wouldn’t even be making these groups at all. It’s not that the requirements of entering groups have become much more strict over the years, it’s that Legion has escalated and encouraged this type of behavior.If you are below ilvl 920 and inexperienced: These group leaders are obviously not going to want to carry anyone with ~20-30 item levels lower than them. Stop looking for these quick run groups and start looking for the progression groups. There are progression groups up in the dungeon finder at all times. Yes, you will wipe - yes, your group will likely disband before you finish the raid. That’s the whole point of progression. It’s not supposed to be a faceroll where you kill all the bosses at a record speed with no problems your first time. Struggle and earn it. If all else fails, you create you own group titled “ToS normal progression” with a fitting description. People will join, you will make new friends, have fun, and hopefully down bosses. Good luck.If you are between 920 and 930: You’re sort of in a state of limbo. You’re gear is obviously not at the level of zerg runs, but you probably have some experience at this point. Keep doing what you’re doing, you’re doing great.If you are above 930 and experienced: “I’m a 935 whatever and got declined, it’s so stupid”. It’s not stupid at all, the leader saw you but opted to instead invite the 945 whatever that queued up at the same time. Ilvl is the only easy metric you can judge a player by these days (instantly), and a leader will, ceteris paribus, always choose the highest ilvl player that signs up. If you aren’t getting any invites, start your own group. It’s very easy, and if you feel scared, just spend 10 minutes reading up on the important leader specific knowledge - what classes to bring? rotation orders for soaks? for interrupts? Splitting groups? It’s fun and you learn something new.Don’t ignore Mythic+. It is the absolute best and easiest way to get great gear. The effort you put into mythic+ compared to mythic raiding is abysmal. Every single week you are guaranteed at least 1 item at ilvl 935+. You will obviously have to complete a +10 key, but as long as you know the fights and the affixes, a +10 is a joke compared to mythic raiding. It takes very little time and you only need to do 1 a week.What if you aren’t being invited to any mythic+ groups? Don't complain if you aren't getting invited to Mythic+ groups. Do a normal mythic dungeon. You will get a +2 key. Create your own group and invite the people you want to. If your groups are strong enough you will only need to do a few dungeons. +2, +5, +8, +10. That's it. You're now guaranteed a 935+ item next Tuesday/Wednesday. From my experience, more often than not it'll be even higher. The past 5 weeks have yielded me: 935, 955, 945, 940, 945, IIRC. And the best part? The following week you will automatically receive a high level key along with your loot. Less work for equal reward.But, of course, there will always be a mentally challenged minority of people creating pugs decked in 910 relinquished gear with no experience requiring 940+ and mythic progression. Ignore these groups, because they usually implode anyway. If a group has “ilvl xxx” in the title, but not set as a requirement in the criteria, it means that the leader is shit and his group will be shit.Lastly, consider joining a guild. Being in a guild is a much more rewarding experience. You make new friends and you clear content much easier. Even if you don’t have the time to commit to a schedule, join a guild. There are tons of different types of guilds. Mythic raiding, casual raiding, PvP, social, RP - the list goes on. If nothing else, you at least make some new friends that you can play with.I will gladly join you all in complaining about the Legendary and (especially) the titanforging systems that Legion has brought with it. But I will never complain about the requirements set by someone who has worked hard this entire tier to get where he is.I’m a 945 DPS, and I still get declined constantly. “Too many melee”/“Lol DKs suck”/“Full group”/“Link Mythic KJ”, the list goes on. It happens, it doesn’t matter. I keep looking until someone finally invites me, or I start my own group if I feel like it.After almost 60 kills across all difficulties, I’m still stuck with the regular 915 heroic tier legs. This is absolutely demoralizing, yet I still try to get a better version every week. When I create my group, I will never invite anyone below 935, simply because I only want to invite the people who, like me, are only there for titanforged upgrades of specific items they need. I know the run will be clean and quick.A few weeks ago I joined a ToS heroic group - most people were at 930+, but there was one specific DK in there that grabbed my attention. He was ilvl ~915 and had only relinquished/mythic+ gear - no tier pieces. His DPS was shit and he died. We killed Mistress. Guess what he got? 935 socketed tier legs. Instead of letting situations like this drive me crazy, it’s easier to just take the possibility out of the equation.Please, stop complaining about the requirements set by group leaders in the dungeon finder. Either be the change you want to see by creating your own groups, or work harder. Like in real life, no one is entitled to anything.