Blizzard, please don't let the Islands go to waste!

Instead, use them for non-timed content. Perhaps they can be mini-questing zones, or just little fun quests to encourage exploration, or just something to tell the story of the rest of the world during these times of war. Just anything to let us players explore these Islands without the pressure of time.It's no secret that the Island Expeditions weren't very well recieved initially. I know that when I first played them, they felt far too grindy and repetitive for main content, and did not feel very rewarding to be worth the grind. Changes over time have improved them for me personally, and now I do them once a week at least for the azerite reward.But throughout its content cycle, I've noticed one major issue with it:I want to explore these Islands, but I don't have time to.These environments are gorgeous, beautifully designed places. Each is like its own little zone with creatures, people and the potential to have little stories of their own. And lets not forget the amazing music they've got.Some of the music I love from Islands: Snowblossom Village music, Jorundall musicAnd some screenshots from a couple of islands on today: Snowblossom Village Screenies, Skittering Hollow ScreeniesUnfortunately, as much as me and my friends would love to explore these spaces, take in the sights with each other, and maybe even RP in these areas (these islands would be perfect for RP), we're unable to do so with the way they are used currently. When you're on an island, you have to constantly engage in combat, or else risk losing it. And as soon as it is done, there's no way to continue to stick around and explore it.And if this continues, and Islands are inevitably left behind after 9.0, then we'll never get to peacefully explore these places.So please Blizzard. Give us an exploration mode for Islands or something. Throw in some quests maybe. Or even better, build a short-story with these islands and let players explore them. Just don't let these islands go to waste.TL;DR: Let us explore these gorgeous environments you have created without the pressure of time and enemies preventing us from doing so.