"We removed gem sockets and reforging so that choosing the correct piece is always easy to understand."

I used to think that this philosophy was okay because for the most part it was for a bit when people still had notions of true BiS pieces. Full disclaimer, I started playing during Siege of Orgrimmar so I really only got a small taste of the old gear system.Still, after hearing my friends have to teach a new player how to use multiple addons and websites to determine that their ring was a 2% upgrade... it just seems so fucked. I know that back then we did babe AskMrRobot which really wasn't all that different but it was almost unnecessary unless you wanted the smallest of upgrades and it was simple. There were true BiS lists with gear that you were fucking ecstatic to see drop. Remember the trinket from the dark shamans? My friends and I would be shitting our pants if it dropped hoping that the loot council would give it to us because there was nothing better. Or even just some plain old legs could do the same.Now, with titanforging, lack of tier sets, no gem sockets, no reforging, nothing... gearing feels even more convoluted because you are ultimately at the mercy of RNG and you wont even know if the piece is an upgrade until you simulate it. That feels really bad in my opinion.Again, I know that AskMrRobot was essentially the same problem but at least the ability to know your true BiS piece could guide you quite a bit.