I really dont understand Blizzard's stance on gear reward for Battlegrounds.

As a preamble, I'm a BG hero. I play random BGs, that's what i like, that's it really. I really dont understand why Blizzard doesnt give you worthwhile rewards for playing them. If i could, that's all I would do in WoW, and be perfectly happy with that. But if I want to be somewhat competitive, I just cant, and that doesnt make sense to me. For the other options, and usual rebuttals to this question. First : "its easy content, why do you expect reward for it". Easy? Yeah, kinda, but dont tell me that Mythics are that much harder. Both have their own difficulties. Here's the difference, I can spend half an hour a week to do one Mythic, maybe get a piece of gear at the end of the instance, and have a guaranteed piece at the weekly reset.Now, that same half hour within a BG will never grant me anything worthwhile. DAYS in BGs wont give me anything. Despite me fighting 15 players that really dont want me to win. I can do everything I can to win, focus the right targets, play the objectives, the win is far from guaranteed. I mean c'mon, all things compared, BGs do take a certain amount of effort ( certainly as much as mid level mythics). Conquest points? Yeah, right. if you could get more points for your second or third win, sure, that'd be a good enough venue for gear. But as is, it really isnt. Some weeks, with the brawls, you'll enough points, sweet.Otherwise, you better love those invasions. You might say : "it isnt a big deal, it's pvp too, just do them". That's true. However, that's not something you'll say to somebody doing mythics; would they be forced to do something else. I'm merely asking for the ability to get decent gear through the game mode I love, that's all.To be added : even if you get gear each week, you'll still be behind most people. Not a few item levels behind...you'll be BEHIND. Here's another venue for gear : Benthic gear. I dont dislike the Benthic gear, as expected from the filthy casual that I am. But are we really gonna pretend that Battlegrounds are easier than the world quests for Benthic gear? C'mon now. I do go for the Benthic since it is one of my options, but I'd just rather play BGs, and know that each of them is a small step into gearing. Honour used to fulfill that role, but it was made completely pointless, so that's that. Now onto the real contenders : arenas and raid. Of course I'll concede, those are harder than BGs, for sure. The "difficulty" argument hold true. But I'm not asking for the same level of gear. Or the same rate of acquisition. Being a few item levels behind is perfectly fine. The problem is, right now, you get worthless gear from BGs. The point needs to be re-iterated. You can play BGs all the time, you'll never get gear to be decently geared for that very same activity. That doesnt apply to any other activity in wow. If you run Mythics, you'll get better gear as you are doing them. The same apply to Raids. And Arena. And Heroics. Hell, it even applies to world quests (aka Benthic). But BGs? "Get the hell out of here you lazy bum, go do some REAL content!!" What? I'm not trying to disparage other activities in wow. Even if I dont personally enjoy them, their reward structure makes sense. I just think this should be applied to BGs, to an extent. That's the one activity I really enjoy in wow, and I'm getting at the end of my rope. Specially considering that to keep up, I need to spend more time doing activities that I dont enjoy over BGs. That doesnt make sense to me. Waiting for the downvotes, I expect a lot of them. Maybe I'm wrong, I dont know. Hopefully that can spark a worthwhile discussion.edit : formatting