It has been almost eight months since we've received Corruption. After having played this game for a little over 15 years, I can confidently say that Corruption is the most unfun mechanic I've ever experienced in this game.

I have been playing this game since March of 2005, and out of everything I have experienced in this game, the Corruption mechanic is by far the most unfun and frustrating experience I've ever had in this game. I am mostly talking about the negative effects that come from stacking corruption, but even the actual buffs your character gets from corruption has become unfun; having a near-GCD capped rotation as an Arms warrior with a very fast GCD sweep surprisingly gets old fast. Relying on procs to do a massive amount of damage gets old fast.Grasping Tendrils is infuriating. Having a slow proc at the same rate regardless of your corruption starting at 1 is just terrible. On N'zoth, you are consistently taking damage throughout the fight; while the slow isn't fatal, it is a gigantic annoyance. On Ra'den, it can be fatal: if you exhausted all your options and get a chain proc of Grasping Tendrils in phase two, you can easily just die from multiple circles of Void Eruption spawning under/around you. On Jaina, you can easily fall behind or get hit in the intermission stage of the fight because you're taking consistent damage. These are just a few out of many examples.The Eye of Corruption mechanic is almost as annoying as Grasping Tendrils. Fortunately it usually isn't that big of a deal damage wise, but it can become an issue where you can get chain procs in scenarios where you can't move, or you have to stand in a group stack. You learn to save your cloak for scenarios like these, but just as with Grasping Tendrils, you can just get absolutely screwed by it with all options to help mitigate it exhausted.I don't run with Grand Delusions much, but I also have a gripe with it. Either having back to back procs, having it proc when a large burst of damage goes out, or it spawning practically on top of you is bad. There are multiple ways to handle this mechanic, but it's a bigger for problem for some classes than others. With that being said, I also think that this is the least annoying mechanic from corruption.In short, corruption is one of the worst mechanics I've ever experienced in this game after 15 years and after playing the Shadowlands beta, it showed me just how bad it feels to deal with these frustrating random mechanics on top of dealing with other mechanics in the game.