Lost my tanking brother of 2 years to COVID today

Hello r/wow, first time posting hereHowever, feeling really down after, what the title says, losing my tanking brother to COVID today. Been tanking with my friend since the beginning of BFA, and I honestly feel lost without my best friend. We just killed Mythic N'zoth on Tuesday and it almost feels like it was the last thing keeping him alive over these last 4 weeks since he's been battling the disease. He was all good for the last 3 weeks and just today his GF came online and said that he died early this morning. Which has honestly broken me, I think tanking is honestly the single role in WoW where it's almost like a marriage. Every week you get together for 2-3 nights a week for 3-4hrs and just tank together. Communication between the 2 of you has to be perfect otherwise the raid wipes because of a missed simple mechanic. Which ends up creating a bond between the players that not too many truly understand. This is because you both end up syncing your minds together and thinking almost as one between taunting, hitting cool downs, and moving the boss to where it needs to go. Sorry for the sorrowful rant, but I am already missing my brother.I wanted to make this post discussing the bond between tanks and what is lost when they separate either from changing guilds, quitting, or just dying. I feel that in any circumstance the tank that is left behind feels left out and lost.