This is why I don't enjoy tanking m+

Not every single tank follows the exact same route you might be "used to", especially in a lower level M+.I am one of those tanks, I enjoy making my own routes that work best for the group - say we have a fire mage, I pull more to allow for the mage to proc more ignites.I usually have success with this, and intentionally often pull more amounts or more difficult packs, so I often try to have slightly overgeared healers to keep up.This time around, I created my pug and invited a 477 shadow priest which I know can do a lot of damage with grouping dotted mobs. So I did so in my key.Our healer & melee DPS (two warriors) insisted we followed the competitive route (bare in mind this is a +12, with everyone over 465), rather than my route.I continued my path and we were doing fine, had a few issues with explosions this week but no wipes. Then once we get to the boss, they start getting angry I'm not following the MDT meta, than proceed to say "dumb tank doesn't know route" etc etc.I think a big issue with tanking this patch, and a lot of the reason people don't enjoy it is that it's just not enjoyable to be forced into the meta route over and over.I love tanking & I have been told I'm a good tank previously but high skilled players. I just do not enjoy being told what to do by meta following toxic players.This game is made to be enjoyed, leave the efficiency for the top 1%. If you're in a +12 key PUG, that's not you.