Target capped AoE feels horrible in SL, and there are ways to achieve scaled down aoe without hard capping

TLDR for people who are out of the loop:Most specs have gotten their AoE capped at 5 (and a couple at 8). This means that you will do 0 damage to the 6th (or 9th) target in a pull.​So it can be a bit daunting to look at MDI pulls and see the tank speed pot and 2 UH dks kill 20+ mobs in 15s. BUT this is an overreaction to that. To many it just looks like "lol just speed pot and pull everything" but grouping packs of mobs together is dangerous and requires a lot of knowledge, practice and skill to pull off, but it feels super rewarding when you make it work, and it's fun to blow up the dps meter when you do. The dungeons with the least of pulling groups together are historically the least popular dungeonsFixes:Increase the cap from 5:Title says it all. There is legit a boss in SL that summons waves of 6 adds giving you a total of 7 targets. SL dungeon design in general allows for pulling more than 5 mobs at a time frequently. This feels horrible for a lot of classesTD treatment:For those who missed it; Twilight devastation deals half damage to targets 6-10 and 0 damage to targets 11+​Soft capping:So currently on live eye beam hits the main target for 100% damage and non main targets for 66.7% damage. This is still linear scaling. spreadsheet shows how Eye Beam scales in SLs compared to live. Essentially the total damage goes up the more targets it hits, while damage pr target goes down slightly.​Don't do anything:Leave scaling as it is. This is going to be the GCD change all over again where at best people were neutral about the change and the majority hated it.