I REALLY hope that we get different looking armor in 7.2+

I'm tired of seeing the same types of armor, only recolored. The only difference between the world boss armor, EN armor, and Nighthold armor is just a few different colors. Why couldn't we get more variety, like we had in WoD? We got savage, clunky armor with Highmaul, fiery and brutal armor with BF, and felt armor with HFC. I feel like Blizz missed a big opportunity to make nightmare corrupted armor for EN, rather than just use the exact same armor set every time. Why can't we have nightborne armor in Nighthold? Why does it need to look the same?Not sure if its just me being nitpicky/privileged, but given all the variety in this expat, why can't we have more variety in armor? Oh, and don't even get me started on the fact that questing and rare armor looks the exact damn same in each zone even though there are very different cultures in each.Anyways, does anyone else agree? It's kind of killing legion for me. The variety was supposed to be a selling point; I'm seeing it in the environments and the enemies, but not the armor./endrantEDIT:To those who are saying that I would just transmog it:I feel really bad doing that. I wish that we had cool sets like in MoP that were fine, and didn't need to be xmogged over. I want new sets that actually look good. While NH and EN are the same tier (brainfarted on that) I wish we could still get more unique armor. Like Nightborne-esque stuff for Nighthold and a kind of taken over look for EN. There was the excuse in WoD that we were fighting against the same force, hence why the armors looked similar. Doesn't mean they couldn't have given us something a little more unique.