If you join someone else's low key, don't be an asshole if they aren't 3 chesting it.

Seems to be such a frequent occurrence when I do alt runs with a group of friends. We lack one player and sign up through LFG, we don't advertise it as a 3 chest run or anything like that.We were doing CoS6 today and the rogue in our group couldn't stop complaining about how we're inviting "garbage alts" and we're "wasting time". We still finished the dungeon on time, but the guy was a miserable sod from start to finish.What's your process when you join a random group that isn't advertising itself as 3 chests? Is a 3 chest clear the expected standard now? Is there any justification in being mad when that doesn't happen? Or should you expect that sometimes people are playing and gearing their alts and it isn't always going to be a quick 3 chest run?http://ift.tt/2iwrPyf