When laid over a map of Ancient Kalimdor, the "Sigil of the Watcher" from the Necronomicon, points to Uldum, Ulduar, and Uldaman [xpost /r/warcraftlore]

So, as we know, the lore in warcraft is heavily inspired by Lovecraft. I received a copy of the Simon Necronomicon for Christmas. Remembering the old theory that overlayed a pentagram on top of the map to try and prove it corresponded to the locations of the Old Gods, I decided to dig a little deeper.These are the three sigils from the NecronomiconBetter image, from googleHere they are overlaid as one on the coverAnd here is their meaningThe text, transcribed, since the image is hard to read:Of the three carved symbols, the first is the Sign of our Race from beyond the Stars, and is called ARRA in the tongue of the Scribe who taught it to me, an emissary of the Elder Ones. In the tongue of the eldest city of Babylon, it was UR. It is the Sigil of the Covenant of the Elder Gods, and when they see it, they who gave it to us, they will not forget us. They have sworn!Spirit of the Skies, Remember!The second is the Elder Sign, and is the Key whereby the Powers of the Elder Gods may be summoned, when used with the proper words, and shapes. It has a Name, and is called AGGA.The third sign is the Sigil of the Watcher. It is called BANDAR. The Watcher is a Race sent by the Elder Ones. It Keeps vigil while one sleeps, provided the appropriate ritual and sacrifice has been performed, else, if called, it will turn upon you.The Ancient Ones = The Old GodsThe Elder Gods/Ones/Things = The TitansTherefore, it stands to reason from the context, thatThe Watchers = The KeepersHere is a map of Ancient Kalimdor, before The SunderingAnd, without further ado, here is the Sigil of the Watchers overlaid with a map of Ancient KalimdorThe three major points align roughly with the locations of Ulduar, Uldaman, and Uldum, the cities where The Keepers were left to protect the races of Azeroth.The oval at the end, in the way it begins from a curve and then loops onto itself, and is not a perfect circle like other circles, indicates to me that it symbolizes infinite time. This doesn't seem coincidental, considering that it is right smack dab where the Caverns of Time are.Also, I didn't have time to make an image for it, but the Elder Sign (the second of the three linked above), when overlaid on a map of current Azeroth, correspond to the locations of the World Trees.The central three points, beginning with the circle and including the intersection as a point, correspond to Teldrassil, Nordrassil, and Shaladrassil. The bottom left point is near Un'Goro, where the failed tree that became Il'Gynoth is. The last point at the top points to Vordrassil, in Grizzly Hills.This makes sense alongside it's meaning, as the World Trees are places of power derived from the Titans.If I had to guess at how the first symbol, the "wiccan star", maps onto the races of Azeroth:Top point: Northrend. Earthen (Vrykul/Gnomes/Dwarves/Drogbar)Top Left point: Northern Kalimdor. Night Elves.Bottom Left point: Southern Kalimdor. Tauren, possibly, being nomadic and having no complete written history, may have originated near Uldum and been driven north by Qiraji.Top Right point: Northern Eastern Kingdoms. HumansBottom Right point: Southern Eastern Kingdoms. TrollsIf you used a six-pointed Star of David instead, then the extra 6th point at the bottom would be in Pandaria.If there is any occult symbolism in this game, given how inspired it is by the Lovecraft mythos, this would be it.In fact, when you google "Sigil of the Watcher", the first two results that come up are a page on the Necronomicon, and this item from Ulduar. Item names in the game are very often references.Thoughts?EDIT: Before this starts to frighten anyone, and before any Southern Baptists start linking to this as proof that WoW is the work of the devil, I want to add a disclaimer about the occult."Occult" =/= "Evil. "Occult" simply means "hidden knowledge". Though some evil people seek the occult for personal gain and destruction, others who seek it do it out of curiosity and survival, hoping to learn of that evil so that they may protect themselves and those they love against it.It should be noted that the symbols here are not "evil" symbols meant to invoke demons or evil of any sort, but rather the purpose of the symbols as described is to protect the wearer from evil. Do not confuse the Wiccan Star, which is a positive symbol, with the Pentagram, which is that symbol inverted, and represents evil. It's like the difference between a cross and an inverted cross.