Showerthought: Deathwing could have been beaten easier

The year of the Cataclysm, the mortal and immortal races faced a dangerous, ancient evil that threatened to destroy the world itself. To defeat the mighty Deathwing, corrupted aspect of Earth, herald of the old gods, and destroyer of worlds, the greatest champions had to band together. They had to travel back in time and recover an ancient and most dangerous artefact from the biggest warzone of all times. Then, the great dragon aspects, chosen by the titans themselves, had to make the ultimate sacrifice and give away their power and immortality to strike a blow to Deathwing. Only then were the heroes able to directly attack the monster, dozens of brave fighters valiantly attacking each of Deathwing's monstrous claws.Turns out, we could have just brought the Hammer from Highmountain and given it to some Tauren to bash old Neltharion's face in.Joking aside, how much of the Huln Highmountain story do you think is based on facts and how much is exaggeration?