44 deaths in M+ invitational

Hey everyone! Hope everyone is having a fantastic day! This is the warrior/hunter Centurians from team deplete. This post is just something I've been meaning to get off my chest since yesterday, given the sleepless night T_T.Yesterday was not our day. Just wanted to say that despite what our arcway performance said, we did practice that first pull a lot, and we did do 23 minute arcway+17 runs repeatedly.For having to learn a warrior and just melee in general in under 3 weeks I'd say I wasn't the worst warrior NA (LUL) as per twitch chat or.... maybe I am :DNormally we would jump in and I would pop all my defensive cds as an arms warrior and burst about 10mil killing the spirit (you know, since warriors are op and all) and all 5 blobs. Then I'd die :D, but we'd have the warlock finish off the blobs. Best case scenario we have 2-4 deaths but that's only 10-20 seconds, we make up for that later with boss damage. However the nerves got to me, I didn't pop die by the sword early enough and shockwaved early, and well....... you saw what happened. If you're gonna give anyone a hard time for that, might as well give it to the warrior that threw it all. I take full responsibility for it, my bad, I messed up it happens to the best of us.We tried all we could but the dampered mood (or as the casters would say tilt) and inner rage led us to pick HOV instead of Upper just because we didn't want to risk a straightforward dungeon even though we had pretty high boss damage with the healer and tank doing well over 1 million DPS (probably not our best choice). Other than that the team played really well, you guys were the best teammates around, and we did fairly well for an NA team.A huge thanks to anyone and everyone that cheered on for us, the support has been incredible despite how poorly it went after months of hardwork and preparation. Sorry to anyone we've disappointed, we certainly didn't see this coming nevertheless we will try our best to get better with time and experience.Special thanks to all the WOW developers and e-sports administrators that made this tournament possible as well. Thanks for making a game we love playing, both pve and pvp aspects of it and know it takes a lot of effort to successfully deliver everything youve done for the wow community. We sincerely appreciate the idea of Mythic Dungeon Invitational becoming a thing just like pvp tournaments, it was a lot of fun and hope to see more coming in the future, I'll be preparing for it, and ready to play the meta classes (especially rogue, their utility is just too good).Thanking you for taking the time to read this. If you're ever interested in running high keys, hit me up, my wowprogress is http://ift.tt/2yCI2tQ. GL to the teams going to the next round, may the best team win.