Lesser Invasion Points are oddly unrewarding and feel like a waste of time

Zero reps given. Not even the measly 75 rep Argus WQs give, most of which take much less time and effort to complete. Even pet battles give rep, but destroying an entire Legion invasion does not.End boss doesn't reward much more Veiled Argunite than regular rares or treasures, most of which take much less time and effort to do.Even the weekly quest is abysmal, do three lesser Invasion Points and in return you'll get a whopping 200 Veiled Argunite and 250 Army of the Light rep. Doing three regular world quests would net nearly as much rep (225), and would take less time to do.The only time it'd ever be worth doing Invasion Points is if you've exhausted ALL world quests (including all on the Broken Isles) and you really, really need more artifact power. Otherwise pretty much everything else you can do in Legion is more worth your time.I get that these were initially meant to be some sort of gating you'd need to do before you could do the weekly Greater Invasion/World Boss, but now that they don't they really could do with an upgrade to make the time and effort put into them worth our while.