Fury warriors need to be able to transmog 1-Handers/Fist weapons

My biggest issue with 1h weapons is there's no pure, simple melee 1h dps' left that don't have flashy/over the top animations that you might as well be using lightsabers for. Outlaw rogue is an honorable mention, but variety would be nice.Shamans, incredibly flashy and beautiful. Being Enhancement makes sense, but the individuality of the weapons is hidden behind it. Same with Frost Death Knights.Monks don't even use their bloody weapons 90% of the time.Blizzard are hesitant with this kinda thing for "clarity" purposes, but that shouldn't be a big impact here. See a warrior with two weapons? Not a hard solve.There are so many nice weapon models that people put time and effort into that get hidden behind the game, or lack of usability.