9.1.5 - Time for Cross Faction PVE?

While Blizzard is finally unconditionally surrendering on all their worst positions, can Alliance finally have access to a 5x larger pool of end game players? Would love to finally be able to try Mythic Raiding without half of my raiding night spent watching Netflix, while our leaders try to find 2-3 pugs we don't have to completely carry and the other half of the night trying to teach them + the 2-3 new recruits in my guild this week (to replace the last 2 or 3 from the week before who finally gave up and either went to the handful of more progressed guilds on our server, transferred Horde or quit the game) how to do a boss we've been stuck on for 2 months.Or are they still gonna be like "bUt MuH fAcTsHun ConFLiKt!!!!"