I think WoW's biggest problem is that you don't feel properly rewarded for your work in-game. Even when you do get a reward, it's so small and marginal, it doesn't feel good or exciting at all.

It doesn't feel like you're rewarded for what you do in-game. It's not just about drops, although that's a big part of it, but even other activities feel so ... marginally rewarding. You get some drizzle of currency and that's it.And when it comes to drops, most of the time you don't get anything at all. But that's not the problem. The problem is that even when you do get something, even if it's one of those few times when it's actually an upgrade, it's so unexciting.At best you get an upgrade and all that changes is that your numbers are a tiny, tiny bit higher.I'm not saying Diablo is a good example, but think of how exciting some drops are in Diablo. You can get a drop and it can double your damage. Or have some other super interesting effect. In WoW you just get a higher ilvl and small increase in dps.I want to feel excited in-game when I get a reward. And I want the effort that I put in to feel worth it, to be properly compensated.P.S: WoW isn't even a grindy, game, I realize that. Especially with Shadowlands, it's a very forgiving game by MMO standards.. It just doesn't feel rewarding or exciting at all.