The community is only toxic because the game design promotes toxicity

It feels like the only social aspect in this game has come down to raiding with your guildies. And most guilds do that twice a week, which leaves 5 days for all the chores. We have to do at least one M+, likely more. So that cuts a day, maybe 2. So you have 3-4 days. Then torghast which takes a day away, assaults which is 1 to 2 days, then Korthia dailies if you can squeeze them in. If you play every single night, that leaves you with about one night to do things you want to do, like roleplay (if you are into it), leveling alts, just hanging out with guildies, helping newbies, doing casual content.We just want to get all of our chores over with for the week so we can "play the game". So any delays are extra irritating. Hence why when someone in a pug fails, our initial response is irritation and sometimes anger. When people feel forced to jump through hoops, of course their going to be irritated when Debra from accounting fucks up the hook on Stitchflesh.Yes, people are ultimately responsible for their actions, but of course this game is toxic. When you break down all the required content to participate fully in the core content, it's no surprise to me people get irritated at each other regularly.