WoW should just do away with faction divide, bring horde and alliance together

There are so many pros:It would be fine thematically, there's friendly people towards the other faction on each side.BGs could become "War Games" or "Tournaments" lore wise. Wouldn't need to be faction specific anymore so no more stupid long queues for horde.You can still do heated faction moments. Garrosh/Sylvanas was a horde vs horde moment, you can still have alliance vs horde moments even if both factions are now officially together. Player characters tend to serve the greater good anyway.Everyone is playing horde as evidenced by hall of fame, both factions being together means you can play what you want truly. No more racial imbalance between factions or faction favoritism in general.Factions being together means you could experience the other faction's quests and story without leveling on another faction completely.As an incentive for Blizzard.. Imagine people who've been playing horde their entire life, they can now play many new races, you ought to see people resub/level/buy race changes/Boosts.The only downsides I see are clear horde vs alliance quests won't make much sense anymore, world PvP would need something as well to keep it alive... if it ever was alive in the first place.