Ashran? Come on Blizzard.

How many times do you have to inflict us players with that blasphemy of a Battleground?! I'm not talking about the design. I'm talking about the constant 3-second lag.And don't pretend like it's on us. "Have you checked your internet connection? Have you updated your graphic card drivers?". Everyone is having a lag fest, and it's been like that every time you put this battleground in the Epic BG rotation.Players are unanimous.Fix it.If you can't fix it, get rid of it.What happens when I queue and I end up in Ashran is that I'm disappointed, and I know the next 30 minutes are going to be hell.If I leave, I'm a deserter for 15 minutes, then I'll get 15 more in queue.If I stay, I have to suffer constant lag, making any form of PvP impossible. Playing there is unbeareable.I have to suffer people constantly leaving, or I have to suffer people being AFK because they are melees and if they are not tanking with 1M+ HP they will die before they can use more than 3 abilities.In this day and age, this is just a preposterous content. A rotten battleground. I'm baffled how everyone is unanimous about it, and how Blizzard still haven't done anything about it. Do you even play your game from time to time?