[Feedback] Too much in 8.3 patch feels like it was implemented to make the gameplay more insufferable.

-Essences.Some essences require an adequate amount of work. Complete the mythic Mehagon several times, farm spare parts for the Third Rank of the Vision of Perfection? Nothing complicated. But farm a reputation with Nazjatar (irrelevant content) and level up a follower if you want to be a minimally effective healer or tank? Too long and tedious. Do it on multiple characters? Unbearable. New essences require 3 weeks per rank. Im not even talking about PvP essences that are too good for PvE. Many people dont want to PvP. This is simply unacceptable.The problem is that you spend a lot of time without getting anything in return except the final result, somewhere out there, in ten days, in three weeks or later. And I want to play and have fun NOW.-Cloak.I still do not understand why, after the first completion, players are obliged to repeat it on other characters. The story has already been told, the result itself - an ordinary piece with stats - is not worth repeating and wasting time, especially considering the high level of HP mobs have. Doing this on multiple characters is annoying.-Corruption.The random nature of the drop, just DPS or bare stats bust, as well as imbalance negatively affect the gameplay. The chances of getting a good Corruption are extremely low. Why couldn’t it be possible to put an aquired Corruption into the Encyclopedia, so that later it can be applied to the necessary item piece? Why couldn’t it be possible to buy it for Corrupted Mementos or Coaslescences?-Horrible Visions.Vessels do not stack. The number of vessels is limited. You cannot get more pages than you need for the quest. Why not if I have achieved more?Visions cannot be trained for pleasure, without loot. The punishment for mistake is too high for content that cannot be trained. Visions reward nothing but the cloak up. Until recently, Visions were terribly inconvenient for tanks and healers.-Dailies.Why did they return when World Quests were much more convenient?-Rare mobsThere is no more disgusting sensation than getting 2 gold and 200 AP after killing a rare with 10kk hp.-Navigation.Why can’t you put the portals between Silithus and Uldum, the Vale? Why do dailies spread around the Vale, and in Uldum its assembled in one place?Look, Blizzard, people will spend more time in the game playing alts and have fun if you:-Make Essences more accessible. Account sharing or using a vendor.-Improve the way you get the Corruption. Account sharing or using a vendor.-Allow to skip the whole quest chain to get a cloak, except for the completion of the invasions in Uldum and Vale.-Make a Horrific Vision training mode, with no rewards.-Let us get more pages from Visions depending on what we’ve achieved.-Replace Dailies with World Quests.-Put more loot in the rare mobs, including valuable loot.-Add portals to Uldum and Vale.As you can see, nothing complicated. It would greatly improve the quality of gameplay and make people spend more time playing WoW (with alts). Shocker, i know.