Please don't leave classes unfun for whole patches again.

As shadowlands news comes closer, and BFA is nearing it's end, it's important to reflect on what kind of feedback we want to give blizzard. Mine is this: please don't make classes unfun for multiple patches and delay their fixes. The state of shamans as a whole, and particularly enhancement, should've never taken two patch cycles to make 2 of the 3 specs fun to play. Shadow priests have largely uninteresting azerite traits and the nerf to insanity drain was the bare minimum to save it.I want to see a blizzard after shadowlands that listens to it's players. Each spec has community leaders that put in the time and effort to figure out every nook and cranny a spec can thrive in. I want blizzard cooperating with these leaders and take feedback on what they think each spec deserves to be it's best.