Blizzard's idea of trying to make items interesting is backwards

Lately Blizzard is constantly trying to make items more interesting so that it's more than just a stat stick but imo they completely misunderstand what makes items interesting in the first place. Items nowadays are more uninteresting than they've ever been because you do nothing with it. You just equip it. In WotLK items were nothing but raw stats but it was so much more enjoyable to use them. They all had sockets of different colors, helms with meta gems. There was an enchant for pretty much every item slot and professions had their own ways of enhancing items.MoP pushed it to the extreme with reforging and the upgrading of ilvls with the use of valor points.THAT'S what makes items interesting. It's the tinkering around with items. The planning and building of your character. A powerful random proc doesn't make items interesting. Comparing two different procs is not interesting because in the end you can break it down to a number value anyway and you just pick the higher number, just like you'd do with raw stat items.Instead of trying to make items interesting by making them extremely powerful with random proc effects, Blizzard should focus more on making classes more interesting and powerful on their own and make items interesting by letting us tinker around with them.