Transmog hunting in old content always reminds me of how good WoW is outside endgame.

Running old dungeons and raids in Outlands, Draenor or Pandaria, doing quest chains in Azeroth or Kalimdor to get some low level cool looking item, i cant not notice how lovable, beautiful and nice place to spend times in WoW is.Anytime i see someone criticizing the state of the game and someone calling that person out offering to quit, i think they miss that important distinction.Criticizing the game, most people, i think, dont mean it core, it look, feel, music, old content and old zones.By no means they say the WoW itself sucks.By no means they say they dont want to spend time in the World of Warcraft.WoW is amazing game. Azeroth, Kalimdor, Outland, Northrend and Pandaria are amazing place to spend time in.Its just that endgame content and mechanics in it sometimes... suck.