Aren't you tired of ever scaling cosmic story?

So, all this cosmic stuff, "Titan++" reality-shaping entities, alternate dimensions... aren't you also tired of it?It gets messy quickly & cuses multiple retcons.It invalidades/diminishes past accoumplishments (Having defeated the Legion doens't look that big of a deal anymore. Having defeated the Lich King already feels minor).It doesn't leave much room for actual character development and character-focused stories, since all relevant characters are less "people" and more "entity"Personally, I think BfA would have been much better if it was really about faction war. No Nzoth, no Azshara, no Death realm setup... just plain faction war. Maybe we could have gotten a really satisfactory deveopment/conclusion on the Night Elf story, and Saurfang, and Sylvanas and Nathanos, and Talanji and so on. Maybe instead of "visions of Nzoth" patch 8.3 could have been about actual all-out war all over Azeroth. Maybe that could lead to deep in-faction tensions and political drama and really engaging stuff....maybe we could have never seen the realm of the dead and it would not be a place were spirits of the dead walk with 2 legs, speak with mouths and can be killed again by being cut with swords. Maybe Elune would still be a mystery and not a talking emotive sister. Maybe dying in our realm would still be a serious thing. Maybe we would never have heard of a "Titan++".I don't know... I'm just a little sad.