Test servers and data mining are a huge part of WoW's downfall over the years, you come into a patch already knowing what happens, what grinds there will be and what you have to do for each encounter

No point in telling any story when the culmination of it is known months before the buildup. It is like watching a season of a show after seeing the season finale.No point in any new system and progression when it is solved and calculated before it comes out. No experimentation by the community, no trying out stuff by yourself. It is like doing a crossword puzzle or sudoku by looking at the solution someone else wrote and copy pasting it in.No point in any dungeon and raid when you already know all the moves the boss does while addons yell at you and tell you exactly what to do. The difficulty stemming from the "he/she/they fucked up for everyone else" or item level. It is like learning stuff by cramming instead of understanding while praying that the slow person doesn't fuck it up for everyone.We are not playing anything, we are just executing tasks given to us on a platter.