Shadowlands has killed off more WoW creators than WoD and BfA ever did.

I'm talking from Preach all the way to smaller content creators, and a whole bunch of podcasters too. From the Azeroth Roundtable guys to Rho from Realm maintenance (there are many more I'm forgetting). And these people have been doing WoW content for years, even during the dreadful WoD years.Take away the current situation, and SL still has made content creators quit. I don't know if something just didn't click or what it is, but you'd think an expansion like WoD with very little content or BfA would have been that last straw, but nope, it was SL (good content being subjective) which objectively has much more content than WOD ever did.It's pretty sad to see so many people up and leave all of a sudden.What are you guys thoughts?