I feel like I am witnessing an apocalypse for the world I have lived in for 13 years.

Just a bit of a cry into the void that'll either get ignored or deleted most likely, which is fine.Regardless of WoW's high ups and low downs, I have played WoW for 13 years. As I am 24 this means I have played WoW for longer than I haven't. And whenever WoW had a 'down', I would try other MMOs and always come to the conclusion that even when WoW sucked, no other game scratched the itch for me that WoW did.But now we have a down so low, and so long (arguably since the day BFA came out), with no end in sight. And now we have a culture problem of a criminal nature at Blizzard running into the very core of the company. And now we have some of WoW's biggest content creators such as MadSeason and Preach quitting the game and quitting coverage of the game. Even Asmongold hasn't streamed WoW in WEEKS.I am honestly saddened and a little frightened that I am potentially witnessing the death of my favourite game. And yes, I know it's just a game, but we've all read and heard the speeches of how much this game means to us as individuals.I know nothing lasts forever, but to be honest, I genuinely thought WoW would and that I would, in some way, be playing it all my life. I sincerely still hope that something changes, and that I will be.