Post-Shadowlands is the perfect time to hit the reset button the lore, scale back the cosmic existential BS, and bring us back to the world we all fell in love with

I am not a lore guy really at all. I mostly play the game with a quest addon and a TV show on another monitor when I am not raiding. I have played since Vanilla but have only played like that since Cataclysm. The reason was the obvious short comings in the story telling of WoW as the game progressed.However, after Shadowlands seems like the perfect time for the story team to bring us back to Azeroth, to scale back the craziness of the story, and show us a living world again (literally and figuratively).Think of it like this, every single faction leader (to my knowledge) has basically fucked off into another realm of existence. For all intents and purposes, the for the majority of the population of Azeroth, they have been abandoned. There is no government, the most powerful warriors in the world (the players) are gone, a major war has ravaged the landscape & economy, and life still HAS to go on for people.It's the perfect time for The Cult of the Damned to start recruiting and get active again. The Defias are surely going to seek retribution on a leaderless Stormwind. We haven't set foot in a dragon's cave to knock whelps around in a while so they're surely growing up and wanting gold, or food, or whatever dragons do.Without Bolvar wouldn't the scourge be wilin? Feels like the Argent Dawn ought to pick up, and with that the Scarlet Crusade. Northrend is still out there, it's still a dangerous place probably even more without a Lich King.There are hundreds of places in Azeroth that we could revisit. All of them can lead to actual interesting stories that don't involve space ships and a giant man that wants to end existence.I'd love to hear some other things people may have thought of similar to this. Again, I'm not a lore guy but I do miss a lot of the smaller stories that didn't spread across 5 expansions, 4 continents, 3 planets, 2 realms of existence, etc.