Blizzard, quit pretending nobody ever gave you proper feedback. The degree to which you're looking down your nose at us is absolutely absurd now.

EDIT: I did a very poor job of wording this post because I was a bit miffed at the time. What I'm asking for is for Blizzard to communicate their plans to us before implementing them, at which time it's too late to make any big changes if they need to. As in, during the actual planning/design stages. I was also rather unkind to Lore, though his response still strikes me as disingenuous in light of how long ago most of these problems were pointed out (the lack of WoW forum links owing to the beta forum's deletion). I would really rather not turn this into another big circlejerk, which it probably will become due to my wording. But there is active discussion going on in the comments, so at least something positive can come from it. I was overly aggressive in my wording. If you're just now tuning in please keep that in mind, and please try to give Blizzard a reason to communicate with us.Disclaimer before we get started: It is never okay to threaten anyone at Blizzard or verbally abuse them. It's not about starting a witch hunt, it's about getting the game in a better state.Lore's shifting into maximum oversmug, the devs/spokesmen have been brushing aside concerns by promising communication, promising azerite traits would improve, promising that the Grand Scheme™ will make everything better, and we've got nothing to show for it. That's why we're frustrated. We're not being heard, and now that we're angry about it you're playing the victim and promising more communication like you do at least twice per expansion. It's old. We're over it. This "you think you do, but you don't" mentality needs to die, and fast.Just as a few examples of actual feedback you've already received in the last few months (and this isn't counting the months of feedback on the forums which was all helpfully deleted along with the beta forum):General class design, 5 months agoGCD, 5 months ago - it sucked then and it sucks nowShadow priest, 4 days agoWarrior/druid, 4 days agoWarrior, 5 months ago - for added fun read the top commentTalents, Azerite, progression system suggestions, 5 months agoAzerite, 5 months agoHere's two whole threads of Enhancement feedback from April and JuneAnd honestly, the fact that you're still going around like a confused John Travolta just now walking into the room, when you could easily have seen all of this when it was on the front page of /r/wow or posted to your own forums (maybe search 'em once in a while?), it makes me feel like you're just trying to placate us until we quit bothering instead of seeking out feedback - you don't even ask for it when people unsub anymore. You've burned through all of the goodwill you earned from me with Legion and then some.But hey, if you actually do want feedback, here's the most important tips I can offer right now:Don't mislead us anymoreDon't talk down to us anymoreOnce you quit dancing around things and agree to really buckle down and engage in open, meaningful discussions resulting in either changes or an actual action plan for tackling the issue at hand which you share with us, we can get back to playing the game and you can get back to improving it. But as things stand I've never felt less respected by Blizzard as a paying customer, and that's only spreading around. It's not healthy for the community at large.EDIT 2: I pitched this down below but it's a bit buried, basically Blizzard would benefit from a polling system like OSRS. They don't have to run every last design decision by us, obviously. But when it comes to deciding whether a class really needs to be modified between expansions, they could poll max-level characters of that class. If most people are satisfied with it, it's low priority. Same with any really major system in expansions. If they feel good or not, if they feel impactful, etc., with a box for detailed feedback along with your vote. It's a pretty straightforward way of gauging what the community wants most out of the game. Then they share whatever course of action they cook up and we go from there - actual back and forth until both parties are sufficiently satisfied (development constraints notwithstanding). Limiting the polls to the relevant pool of players also ensures Blizzard can pick through targeted feedback from the players it will impact instead of being faced with the thousands of posts per day on reddit or their forums.Nevermind all that, better to have a feedback box pop up in-game for players who fit the target pool. This gives them a clear idea of where relevant players stand on what they're doing and whether changes/systems feel good or bad, impactful or pointless, and gives us a clear message that they're actually trying to listen. That coupled with more transparency pre-alpha, in the design stages, would reassure me greatly.Edit 3: Wild HuntA couple of posts that only really reinforce the original idea of this post were brought to my attention; I'd like to think blizzard realizes they need to change but I'm not overly optimistic. I canceled my sub.