The problem isn't that we're not enjoying BFA, the problem is Blizzard refuses to accept it.

Reading a lot of the blue posts lately it seems like Blizzard are more and more interested in covering systems they have in place rather than accept that a large portion of the player base aren't enjoying them, since Legion they've made changes to systems or added incomplete systems (I refuse to believe that during the course of BFAs testing no one brought up Sanguicell not being used in a bunch of professions for instance)​Right now Blizzard we need you to accept that mistakes have been made and that your player base is crying out on a daily basis to fix them yet you have given us no honest response to this. Lores response to questions posed by the community pretty much sums up my argument on how instead of taking feedback in and listening you are constantly trying to tell us how we should be enjoying the game and putting systems in place that remove power from players. I feel drastically less powerful than I was during the height of a conflict with the Burning Legion and have never felt more disconnected, it feels like I've taken steps back and not forward.​Just accept that BFA is not in a good place right now, there is a severe lack of need for most players to do world content, my professions feel useless outside of raiding and I should not be forced to play the AH for hours and hours a week to be able to fund myself through raiding. Back in Legion WQs were a great system, I got to play the game and enjoy my character and make money while i did it. Now I sit in-front of the auction house in my downtime to make money, how is that a fun and interesting game play mechanic? I don't want to jump instantly to "you want to sell more tokens" but the only response to this I've seen is that you thought people made too much money from the mission table in Legion yet you still nerfed gold gains from playing world content substantially? You still make more money farming Legion WQs than BFA WQs, how is that an acceptable thing?Also, why are my Mythic Keystone boxes giving me gear for specs I never play? Why am I farming M+ every week to get a good chest only for it to be an offspec piece for a spec I never play? My Hunter will really enjoy that Spear sitting in my bank because I have no interest in playing Melee, it just feels unfun and saying that it's intended makes the entire thing worse. Let people play the way they want to play and give them the tools to support that, don't hinder them.​These are just a couple of examples of systems that should have been ironed out before the games release, I won't even go deep into the Azerite system and how flawed it really is because your response to this has been noted several times of "It is what it is" and "we're listening" or trying to cover for yourselves. Telling us that all traits are in a good place now is a flat out fabrication because there are literally traits that sim and lose you dps somehow?!​People are invested in WoW, this is why we're complaining, we don't want to complain we want to be in Azeroth having a blast. Be honest and open with us and listen to us we are just as invested in Warcrafts success as you are and we know you can be better because you have been better for years, stop hindering players and trying to decide how we should be approaching the game and let us approach it in a way that makes it enjoyable and fair for everyone. Make some sweeping changes, scrap the Azerite system, overhaul it, reintroduce the artifact system, bring back talent trees, do anything. Delay 8.1 to get it right but GET IT RIGHT.​You have one of the largest and supportive communities in the gaming industry and honestly, we deserve better.EDIT: I am not saying players like me are the majority, I'm not in a position to make that claim. But there are a lot of people out there who are pissed at WoWs current state, if you aren't one of those people post and talk about it, I'm not speaking for you and I'm not trying to start a riot