Im sorry but the virtual ticket drama is BS

So i’ve been browsing this sub for hours every single day for a few years now, i even made a reddit to post here! But holy hell has this sub gone downhill. Now before i get down-voted to oblivion, let me explain.Back in Legion while there were a bunch of negative posts about Blizz and the game, most of the community agreed that everything was good. Now were into BfA, people have been talking about very real problems the expansion has( dont have a problem with this at all, it does have several problems that need to be adressed) and the snowball effect has made people here hate literally everything that Blizz does. Same thing happened with many TV shows, one bad thing happens and people start to hate EVERYTHING they previously didnt. This brings us to the Virtual Ticket. Blizz released 2 capes, 2 toys and the demo. Now let me remind you that this is a Virtual Ticket for an event and NOT items you buy, but people are still calling blizz greedy or whatever. They could’ve just as easily NOT made it available to the public and just had the demo in Blizzcon and no one would bat an eye. If you go to /r/classicwow , people are actually excited, since this pretty much confirms that a part of the convention will be about Classic, but on this sub people are just ready to tear anything they do to shreds just because.Memes are fine, but people are actually complaining that they get a demo for 40€. Youre not getting a demo, 2 cloaks or the toys or any of the other things in other games, youre paying to watch the convention and getting additional things. If you dont like it - dont buy it, simple as that. Money speaks louder in the end.EDIT: Wow, this blew up. Thank you for the gold!